Everrati’s New Land Rover Pairs a Classic 1960s Silhouette With an All-Electric Engine

Everrati’s first electric Land Rover in Europe couldn’t have gone to a more perfect collector.
Everrati’s Electrified Land Rover Series IIA Blends Classic Looks, Modern Tech, and Luxury

Everrati, a British company renowned for redefining classic and iconic cars and getting them ready for a zero-emission future through the integration of electric vehicle powertrains, has reached an important milestone in its growth journey – it has delivered its first mainland European commission to a client in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
PistonHeads Review: Everrati Series IIa Land Rover

Less smoke, more woke, no joke A heart transplant is always going to be about the most serious medical procedure going, and that is only slightly less true for cars than it is for people. While our collective motoring future seems almost certain to be electric, the idea of converting existing classics to become EVs […]